How to Pack for a day at Disney: What to Bring in the Parks

Y’all know Disney is my absolute favorite place in the world! We travel there decently often and I feel like I’ve got packing for the parks down to a pretty good science. I will give…

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Tess Monthly Summary: April 2017

With summer coming I tried to really soak up my solo Tess time as much as I could! I know I talked to other parents from the preschool and they were trying to convince me…

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Britt Monthly Summary: April 2017

We are simply BLOWN AWAY by Britt’s reading! She came home this month with a reward for completing all of her reading books for the school year. It makes me SO excited to watch her…

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Kye Monthly Summary: April 2017

FSU’s Spring Game was this month so Zach and Kye made a day of it and drove to Tallahassee that morning. They went to a fun zone type place and Kye got to play laser…

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Family Fun: April 2017

Here is our month of April! We kicked off the month at Disney and Spring Break…the Saturday at the end of Spring Break was the FSU Spring Game so Z and Kye went down to…

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