Parker Family Disney Trip 2017: MK Evening

You can see the first part of our MK Day here!  After lunch Tess finally went potty! I had been nervous about her lack of going all morning and made sure she drank a bunch of…

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Parker Family Disney Trip 2017: MK Morning

I realized on this trip that while I LOVE Disney…Magic Kingdom is truly my happiest place. Usually on Disney trips we do Magic Kingdom first so I have always assumed the giddy feeling I get when…

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Parker Family Disney Trip 2017: Animal Kingdom

When we went to Disney with Zach’s family back in 2012 the trip only included MK and DHS (Zach and I actually had our little family skip the DHS day as we’d just went for…

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Parker Family Disney Trip 2017: Down Day

We typically take a trip with Zach’s family during the summer but sometimes we switch it up and go during Spring Break! I was especially pumped for this year’s family trip because DISNEY WORLD!!! Mrs.…

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12 Months Waiting

April 25th marked a YEAR y’all! One year since we made the decision to adopt. So, so much has happened in that one year. Things that we know were Satan’s way of trying to stop…

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