MK on Kye’s Bday 2017 Part 1

Kye’s actual birthday fell on the day we went to Magic Kingdom. I talked to Kye a good bit about this  prior to our trip. His birthday weekend fell when it was (supposedly) a less…

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Star Wars Day: Hollywood Studios Part 2 ( Feb 2017)

Part 1 of our day is here! There aren’t a lot of things at Hollywood Studios that really require a fastpass. I divided ours up and did 2 fp for Zach and Kye to ride…

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Hollywood Studios: Star Wars Day Part 1 (Feb 2017)

We had the kids miss school on Friday March 3rd so we could use it as a park day. When Kye decided on Disney for his birthday he wanted to do Hollywood Studios to experience…

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The Value of Your Tribe

The Value of Your Tribe We all remember high school. The struggle of finding friends. How much you valued those friendships. The reality is, high school never truly ends. And finding friends as a mom?…

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Keeping Cool Outside When It’s Unbearably Hot

Keeping Cool Outside when It’s Unbearably Hot I live in SOUTH Georgia. As in the hottest place on Earth. We are not near the ocean. We do not have cool breezes coming from the water.…

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