Kye Monthly Summary: February 2017

This is Kye’s summary from February – also his last month being 7! Kye has done SO well with his reading. His school does AR (accelerated reader) testing which is so funny to me because…

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Family Fun: February 2017

Here is everything our family was up to in February! Everyone knows the past five years have been tough for me regarding my side of the family. It’s been such a growing period for me…

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Show and Tell Tuesday: Embarrassing Moments

I’m linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals today to share some of my most embarrassing moments! I don’t tend to get super embarrassed? I learned from a pretty early age to laugh things off and…

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Zach’s First Infusion

Zach got word a week prior that his first infusion would be Wednesday February 22nd. It was a tad tricky being mid-week but actually worked out. The kids were off school both that Monday and…

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When Ignoring is a Beneficial Discipline Tool

When Ignoring is a Beneficial Discipline Tool. It’s important as parents to have a parenting toolbox. A toolbox filled with a variety of parenting tools to pull from when certain situations arise. No two children…

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