Our Shepherd Center Trip – January 2017

Zach and I are always all about making the best of every situation. He had to go to Atlanta for his first visit at Shepherd Center and I, duh, was going to go with him.…

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Zach’s First Visit at Shepherd Center

Need to get caught up on all this medical saga? You can read about initial symptoms and appointment locally here, results from further MRI scans here, and spinal tap results here. I’ve debated about how…

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Tess School Work Fall 2016

Tess is the youngest of our children to ever start school. Both Kye and Britt began school at (or a little bit older than) 2 1/2 years old. Tess had JUST (as in literally less…

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Britt School Work Fall 2016

Britt has BLOWN US AWAY this school year. It’s crazy to me that she was once a little girl who couldn’t sit still and I was nervous about how she’d do in school. Out of…

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Kye School Work: Fall 2016

2nd grade has been a great fit for Kye! He’s well adjusted to his school and we’re used to the flow of public education. I have always felt that the odd number of school years…

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