Tess Monthly Summary: December 2016

This is a photo dump/overview of Tess from December: The toughest thing Tess has probably gone through in her life so far happened this month when we had to put our cat, Zeke, to sleep.…

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Britt Monthly Summary: December 2016

December kicked off Britt’s year of being 5!!! Zach and I went away for a night for our “pre-Christmas getaway” and spread the kids out to make things easier. Plus they all have SO much…

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Kye Monthly Summary: December 2016

This month was all about the holidays! Kye’s entire grade had a performance at school. They did two showings for parents and a third just for the school to watch. I was able to attend…

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The Value of a Weekly Marriage Check-In

The Value of a Weekly Marriage Check-In I have an amazing group of close blogger friends who gifted me with several blog posts when Zach’s started on this new medical journey. Today we are visiting Shepherd Center for…

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Redefining Screen Time Limits As Kids Age

Redefining Screen Time Limits as Kids Age I have never been a fan of screen time. Up until our oldest hit 1st grade it was EASY to set up screen time boundaries in our home:…

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