Zach’s Spinal Tap Results

If you aren’t up to speed on everything that has been going on with Zach’s health then you may want to read these posts to get caught up: one, two and three. I’m not even going to attempt to…

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Thanksgiving 2016

I’ve probably mentioned this before but I’m just not a huge Thanksgiving fan? It’s my least favorite holiday. Ironically it’s also the holiday we were supposed to spend with my side of the family every…

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Christmas Tree Farm 2016

Every year we go out to Hambrick’s Tree Farm to cut down a Christmas Tree. This year we went earlier than we have ever gone before (the Saturday PRIOR to Thanksgiving) and were actually the…

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Family Photos Nov 2016

As always I’m super mega thankful for Lindsay Colson (Captured By Colson) and her incredible work with our family! She is always great at finding the perfect spot for pics and capturing our best. She…

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Merry Christmas 2016

From our family to yours Merry, Merry Christmas!

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