My 32nd Bday!

So November and our family? We just aren’t friends. Last year November was probably THE toughest month in my marriage (I blogged about it here). And this November? We found out the biggest news to…

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Tess Monthly Summary: October 2016

This is all about Tess from October! First time trying French Toast! I rarely talk on the phone but when I do my kids know I’m distracted…Tess totally took that moment to decide to try…

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Britt Monthly Summary: October 2016

This is Britt’s summary from October! This month Britt’s class had a Harvest Day! The kids dressed up in farmer type gear and had some cute themed crafts and such. I’m struggle city when it…

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Kye Monthly Summary: October 2016

This is all about Kye from October! I LOVE Chick Fil A. For many, many reasons but one being all the AWESOME events they do for families. Several years ago they did a Mother Son…

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Family Fun: October 2016

This is a summary of our October! While I was at Disney with the girls the kids and Zach went FISHING!!! It’s something Kye has been wanting to do for a long time and Big…

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