Tess’s Day at Wild Adventures

I love love love taking my kids to Zoo Atlanta. It’s my childhood and I love that they experience a place I grew up loving. Out of all of my kids, Tess loves animals the…

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The Story of a Bad Mom

Today I’m going to tell you a story. A story of a mom named Kate. Kate had always dreamed of becoming a mom. She’s always wanted lots of babies and desired nothing more than the…

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Fresh Start for 2017!

Whew. If you’re anything like me then you are COUNTING DOWN for the end of what has been a mega rough year. If you’re also anything like me then you’ve probably been doing your fair…

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Back in late 2004 or early 2005 I would spend most of my time hanging out at Zach’s rental house. My own house was less than 2 min away so I basically chilled with him…

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Halloween Festivities 2016

This year we really got into Halloween! It’s not a big deal holiday typically for my family but September started the scary road with all of Zach’s medical concerns and having the fun to focus…

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