Potty Training Post Round Up!

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day and everyone is posting on the topic of Potty Training! I was SUPER pumped for this topic as I have a LOT to say about it AND because…

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MNSSHP: 2016!

Last year Katie, Robyn, Casey and I all went to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. We had SUCH a blast that we decided to try to make it an annual thing ๐Ÿ™‚ Last year…

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Day at Jellystone

Years ago Zach discovered this place about an hour away from us called Jellystone. It’s a big campgrounds place and he’s been several times. Back in his management days with work he’d take his team…

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I PROMISE this blog isn’t going to turn into “The Journey of MS” OR “Emily’s Daily Emotions.” I have a regular way-behind-on-real-life post planned to go up tomorrow, I promise ๐Ÿ˜‰ But. We got some…

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MS Insight? Bring it On!

Thank you thank you for all of your sweet comments yesterday as well as all of your prayers. I’m SO blessed to have SO many people in my life. People who show concern. People who…

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