Zach’s Results

If you aren’t a regular blog reader be sure to read this post to be up to speed on everything! The past couple of weeks have been tough. The time of “waiting” isn’t easy and…

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Britt’s First FSU Game!

Zach and I haven’t been to an FSU game together since 2012.  Every year we plan to go but then all the games are TBA and end up being later in the evenings which just doesn’t…

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Labor Day Trip 2016

Zach really wanted to do something special for his dad this year. A lot of changes have gone on within Aflac this year and it’s been tough on us all in different ways. I love…

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BFBN: Babywise is More Than Just Sleep!

Today is the last day of our week long focus on common Babywise misconceptions and myths. Cole from Twinning Babywise has become one of my new favorite bloggers! She has SUCH a great voice and…

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Tess Monthly Summary: August 2016

This is Tess’s first monthly summary! No more counting to figure out how many months old she is ๐Ÿ˜‰ The next time I’ll have to do detailed posts will be newborn weekly ones when Tab…

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