BFBN: Myths Vs Realities

Today kicks off Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! This is a week where we have a Babywise topic that each of us discuss on our own blogs each day. Our subject for this week is…

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Prayers for Zach

I’m just gonna start by saying I hate, hate, hate writing these types of posts. I don’t mind writing them when asking for prayers for others. I’ll raise my hand in class and ask for some prayers…

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Family Fun: August 2016

August was such a busy month! Transitioning from summer to school but still trying to squeeze in as much fun as possible ๐Ÿ™‚ We celebrated Zach’s birthday  And finished up all our home study paper…

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5 Months Waiting

This is a summary of our 5th month into the adoption process. It covers from August 24 – September 24th. You can see past month summaries here: Month 4, Month 3, Month 2 and Month…

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Why I LOVE My Slow Cooker

When Zach and I were dating his mom bought me a crock pot as a Christmas gift. Kinda random and I wasn’t exactly sure how to best use it. Growing up I don’t have any…

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