Tess’s 2 Year Pics and Invite

I love to have outfits for my kids to wear that coordinate with their party themes! I looked all over Etsy and couldn’t justify shelling out over $50 for a party dress for Tess. I…

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My Favorite Blog Posts

Today I’m linking up with Momfessionals to share some of my favorite blog posts as well as some of my most popular ones ๐Ÿ™‚ I started blogging in August of 2008. EIGHT years ago! I…

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Summer 2016 Recap: Week 11

This is a recap from our 11th week of summer! July 23rd – July 30th! Originally we had planned to go to Atlanta over this weekend. I was hoping to hit up Zoo Atlanta (Tess…

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Summer 2016 Recap: Week 10

This recap covers week 10 of our summer which was from Saturday July 16 through Friday the 22nd. Our plan for the weekend was to GET STUFF DONE. I’ve found that I like to have…

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Fire Station Visit 2016

Every summer we visit the local fire station! This year I had it set up for the week I dealt with my face mess. SO thankful I moved it because I was so drugged up…

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