2 Months Waiting

Our 2nd month of the adoption process was from May 25th – June 25th! You can see our first month waiting here ๐Ÿ™‚  Again, thanks to The Lemon Tree House for the cute cards! Things…

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Help Us Nickname Baby Parker!

No! We are NOT matched yet ๐Ÿ™‚ We are still in the home study process (hoping to finish all of that up this coming week so we can get the big stamp of approval!) Even…

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Casey Getaway

After almost 10 years of marriage my husband has really started to “get me.” When he had his back surgery it was tough on our whole family and the month of may, in general, was…

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BFBN Day: Adoption Etiquette

Today is Babywise Blog Network Day! I’m posting over on Mama’s Organized Chaos about helping your toddler be more flexible and Natasha, from Let’s Be Brave, is guest posting here. It’s yet another “God thing”…

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Carter’s 2nd Birthday Party!

Carter’s 2nd Birthday was June 4th and Casey decided to do his party the following weekend (rather than have his real bday and his party the same day: smart move b/c party days are pretty…

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