Show and Tell Tuesday: School Pics

Going through old pics is SO FUN. I loved the link-up topic today with Momfessionals: school photos. Who doesn’t have a milllllion embarrassing school pics?!?! When I was searching through my stuff to find these…

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Summer 2016 Recap: Week 4

Our 4th week of summer kicked off on June 4th and went through June 10th! It was a BUSY week and super fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Pretty much every single weekend of our summer had plans: except…

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Spouse Challenge

A lot of “challenges” float around Facebook and I’ve never really been one to participate in them but when I saw the spouse challenge going around I totally jumped on board. Of course whenever anything…

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Summer 2016 Recap: Week 3

The third week of summer kicked off on our anniversary (May 28th) and went through June 3rd!  That Sunday was a tough day for our family. Zach grew up attending a church of Christ in…

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Tess is 22 Months Old

Tess turned 22 months old on May 31st! I dropped the ball on a lot of picture taking this month due to obvious reasons (coughbacksurgerycough). But I’m using What to Expect the Toddler Years to…

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