Tess Summary of Month 22

This is a summery of Tess’s 22nd month from May 1st – May 30th. She was 21 months old during this month! Eating:  Tess is very “feast  or famine” when it comes to eating, which…

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Announcing Our Plans to Adopt

In the months leading up to our decision to adopt I did talk to a few friends about it as I needed to be able to vent my thoughts/feelings/ideas especially because I didn’t want to unload…

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Realistic, Easy, Healthy Lunches

When Kye started attending an all day school last year I stressed out a good bit about lunches. I am a VERY realistic parent. We don’t “eat clean.” Everything that enters my children’s mouths is…

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Britt Monthly Summary: May 2016

This is a summary of Britt’s month of May! Her class had a little end of the year fiesta so we did our best to dress in theme for the event 🙂 Tess came along…

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Tess 2nd Birthday Slideshow

Today our sweet, precious Tess is TWO!!! We are in denial mode around our house. Britt’s first words this morning when she woke up were “I’m sad that Tess is two, she’s supposed to be…

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