Summer Recap: Week 1 2016

I really enjoyed doing weekly summer recaps last summer so I’m keeping that up this summer as well! Britt’s last day of school was Thursday May 12th so this “week” is a little longer than…

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1 Month Waiting

I know it’s impossible to “make things equal” for all of our children, but I REALLY try super hard to make sure that each child/pregnancy/newborn is made to feel special. With our decision to adopt,…

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When I was 16 years old I started living in a basement apartment (you can read about that here). I met my high school boyfriend, Mark, mid-way through my sophomore year of high school. At…

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Britt School Work: Spring 2016

Britt LOVED school this year and I’m so thankful for her amazing teachers and all of the great staff at her pre-school. She had a wonderful end of the year report. She got “Ms” across…

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Kye School Work: Spring 2016

Kye had a wonderful 2nd half of the year! You can see his fall school work from 1st grade here ๐Ÿ™‚ He really loved school and I’m so thankful for the smooth transition! I know…

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