Our Path to Adoption

Our decision to adopt has been years in the making. I cannot wait to share our story with our precious boy someday. It’s been the first time in my life where I’ve truly felt called by…

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Last Days of School

This was Kye’s first year in public school so he had a couple more weeks left when Britt got out for summer! It made me sad that he had to miss out on our summer…

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Mother’s Day 2016

This year just hasn’t been my year for “Emily” holidays haha. My actual birthday was a rough day and we didn’t end up celebrating until the last day of November (my bday is the 1st),…

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Tess is 21 Months Old!

Tess turned 21 months old on April 30th! Using What to Expect the Toddler Years here is where Tess matches up with the “norm” for her age in the area of development and milestones. At 21…

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Tess Summary of Month 21

This is a summary of Tess’s 21st month of life ranging from March 31st – April 30th. She was 20 months old during this month. Eating:  Tess is in the typical toddler eating stage where…

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