Week 14 Summary

This is the LAST weekly summary for Tess! I bought a little journal before she was born and used it for taking notes and by week 14 that junk was filled. I stopped earlier with…

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Kye Monthly Summary October

Here is everything going on with Kye in October! Field Trip: This month I joined Kye and his class on a field trip to our local post office. His teacher had each student write a letter…

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Tess is 3 Months Old!

Tess turned 3 months old on October 31st! As usual I’m using What to Expect the First Year  to compare where Tess is in her development with the “norm” for her age! I had to…

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Pumpkin Patch 2014

This year we were pretty late going to the pumpkin patch! Zach had been traveling for work and we went to the beach so we literally went and got a pumpkin 4 days before Halloween!…

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Zach’s 30th Birthday!

When we decided to start trying to get pregnant, we talked about how Leo would have a close birthday to Zach’s…when Tess was born she was born exactly 1 week before Zach’s 30th birthday! I…

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