Get Organized with Bumkins Reusable Bags!

About a month ago I posted about an AWESOME gift package sent to me from Bumkins and they hosted a giveaway on the blog for some great bibs (you can read the post here!). Today…

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Family Fun: February 2016

When my parents divorced my mom became good friends with a fellow mom who had twin girls my age. I grew up with Katie and Toni from elementary school and went through all of school…

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Trump Came to Town

I don’t get political on the blog or on any social media for that matter. I don’t plan to start now ๐Ÿ˜‰ I agree with people who say we should be informed about our candidates…

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Babywise Tips for a Working Mom

This guest post on Babywise tips for a working mom comes courtesy of Robyn from The Robyn’s Nest. Take it away, Robyn! Hi!  I’m Robyn! Emily and I have been friends for almost 7 years…

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BFBN: Creativity Involving Your Toddler!

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day! I’m guest posting over at The Moses Home about my tips for a successful breastfeeding experience. Katrina, from Mama’s Organized Chaos, is guest posting here about a topic…

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