Hi, I’m Emily!

I’m SO excited that Kelly from Kelly’s Korner is brining back her Show Us Your Life link-ups. I have met several blog friends through the Show Us Your Life posts and I have always looked up…

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BFBN: Knowing When and How to Switch to One Nap a Day

Today is our last day of Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! The spotlight is on Katrina at Mama’s Organize Chaos today as she talks about another commonly asked about topic: transitioning to one nap a…

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BFBN: FAQs Scheduling

Today the second spotlight blogger for Babywise Friendly Blog Network week is Carrie from Wiley Adventures! She has a GREAT post today about scheduling! So, so many people send me questions daily about scheduling. It’s tricky…

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Tess is 18 Months Old!

Tess turned 18 months old on Jan 31st! This is a big deal! I mean we are 6 months away from being two right?!?! SO why not celebrate with pictures of my adorable toddler carrying around…

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BFBN: One Quick Trip to Stop Unwanted Toddler Behavior

I LOVE the post Stephanie from Giving it Grace wrote for her spotlight day during Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! I’m currently struggling with meal issues with my 4 year old and think this tip…

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