Kye’s 7th Birthday Slideshow!

Today the baby who made me a mama is SEVEN!!! Whew! I tucked him into bed last night and we talked about the day he was born.  Of course I kept it to like 2 sentences…”It…

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Britt Monthly Summary: January 2016

This post covers Britt’s month of Jan! This month we had another class field trip with her school! She’s had more field trips this year than I think Kye did his whole preschool career ๐Ÿ™‚ …

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Kye Monthly Summary: January 2016

This post covers Kye’s month of January! The BIG DEAL this month was that we finished Star Wars! We watched them in release date order (4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3) and I do wish…

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Family Fun January 2016

Jan was a VERY low-key month for our family. I am a person who likes a full plate. I don’t do well if it’s too full but I also don’t do well if it’s empty either.…

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Boon Snug and More Review!

I love, love, LOVE our Boon highchair. So much so that I have an entire blog post devoted to it! I tell ALL my mommy friends that it’s a higher priced item that is actually…

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