A Lesson In Portion Control and Serving Size

A lesson in portion control and serving size. Hello! My name is Kristin Bolling. I am a wife, to my high school sweetheart, a mother of 3, (2 of which includes a set of twins),…

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Skin Changes That Come with Motherhood

I have been close friends with Claire since we were in elementary school. She’s one of those people who I’ve always looked up to and who has just the nicest, purest heart. She’s guest posting…

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Best Picture Nominees 2016

A couple years ago I achieved something I’d never done before: I saw every single best picture oscar nominated film prior to the Oscars. I know, it’s a random bucket list item but it’s actually…

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Britt School Work: Fall 2015

Britt LOVES school! Her favorite parts of the day are snack time and playing with her friends ๐Ÿ™‚ We are SO blessed to be at such an amazing pre-school and I adore both of her…

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Kye School Work: Fall 2015

First grade has been a big year for Kye so far! We’ve seen him really take off academically as well as socially and it’s been a joy to see how well he’s doing with his…

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