Tess Summary of Month 14

This post covers Tess’s 14th month of life (so she was 13 months old) from Aug 30th – Sept 30th.    Nursing/Eating: This was our last month nursing. Whew. It was TOUGH on my emotions. I…

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Helping Kids Cope with Emotional “Tough Stuff”

Helping Kids Cope with Emotional “Tough Stuff.” As parents we never want our children to feel pain. We want them to live in a happy bubble and to not have to know the struggles and…

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BFBN: Why Babywise Works for Us

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day! I’m posting over on Giving it Grace and the fabulous Shea from The Moses Home is posting here! I LOVE hearing different perspectives about Babywise and how it…

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Britt Monthly Summary: September

This post is a summary of Britt’s month of September! Britt’s class hosted their “Donuts with Dad” this month. Britt was SO excited about it and it made Zach feel really special because we are…

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Kye Monthly Summary: September

This post covers Kye’s month of September! Kye has been VERY business minded as long as I can remember. He loves to find ways to earn money (tricky for a 6 year old!) and all…

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