Britt Monthly Summary: July

Summer was SO FUN around here!!! This month we stayed super busy and I also did weekly summer recap posts so there isn’t much to cover in the monthly ones (which I prefer!).  Britt is…

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Kye Monthly Summary: July

This post is a summary of Kye’s month of July! Kye really started taking off with his reading abilities in the last half of the school year so I wanted to foster that as much…

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Summer Recap: Week 11

This weekly summary covers from Saturday July 25th – Friday July 31st! It was a BUSY week! We had Tess’s party Saturday, the zoo Sunday, then the aquarium Monday! Y’all. When I got back from the…

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Tess’s 1st Birthday!

It’s CRAZY to me that Tess is ONE! Her 1st bday was on Friday July 31st. I posted this pic on IG and FB with this caption that sums up my emotions on such a…

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Big Kid Club: GA Aquarium

Day 2 of our Big Kid Club adventure kicked off with breakfast at the Ford’s. Kelly had to get up and head to work so Casey and I hung out with her husband and all…

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