Two Simple Words to Create a Positive Sibling Relationship

When I first got pregnant with my second child I kept thinking “I’m giving my older child such a gift: the gift of a sibling!” While in the long run I knew this statement would…

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Tess’s 1 Year Photos

REMINDER! Today is the LAST DAY to order in time to start the 24 Day Challenge with me on Monday! I’d also LOVE for you to join in with me on my Diet Bet (even…

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Summer Recap: Week 9

Week 8 of our summer we spent at THE BEACH! It was awesome and it was also broken up into several posts for you to enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚ Week 9 of our summer covers the day…

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St Augustine Trip: Last Day

Our last day of our trip was Friday July 11th. We left first thing Saturday to get back home so we wanted to make the most of our last full day. We had ONE thing…

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St Augustine Trip: Beach Pics

The past several years we’ve taken some pictures at the marina located at our hotel during our stay in St Augustine. One thing about our new location for our stay: no marina for boat pics!…

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