Tess Summary of Month 11

This summary covers Tess’s 11th month of life (so she’s 10 months old in this post). This month was from June 1- June 30th.  Nursing: Tess still really, really loves nursing. By this point I wasn’t…

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Britt Monthly Summary: June

This is Britt’s summary from June: Britt has become such a little book worm and it’s adorable. I will often have to tell her to go sit in her bed during the day due to…

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Kye Monthly Summary: June

This is Kye’s summary from June! I’m enjoying the weekly recaps and love how they make these posts MUCH shorter and easier to write. It makes me dread them less ๐Ÿ˜‰ I know my kids…

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Summer Recap: Week 7

This week of our summer was from Saturday June 27th through Friday July 3rd. On Saturday we celebrated Zach’s Father’s Day and you can read all about it here ๐Ÿ™‚  We attend church services twice…

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Fire Station Visit 2015

Several years ago I was part of a local mom’s group. I didn’t stay in it long as they always seemed to get together during times when Kye was napping and it cost money to…

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