Ann Monograms Giveaway!

Back in the day when I could actually become “Facebook Friends” with blog readers (oh the glory days before stalkers and catfishers) I met Ashley. We’ve never met in person but I know she’s a…

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Summer Recap: Week 2

Week two of our summer fun kicked off on the day we got back from Hilton Head (May 25th). That next day Kye started his football camp for the week so it was a busy…

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Babywise Blog Network Week {Day 5}

Oops! I dropped the ball yesterday and failed to post this! But we wrapped up the big baby wise blog network topic of sleep yesterday! We had two awesome bloggers as our spotlights and I…

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Britt School Work ~ Spring 2015

Britt had a fantastic first year of school! Zach and I are both so very proud of her! She made so many friends and had so much fun. Most importantly she behaved so well and never…

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Babywise Blog Network Week {Day 4}

Today I’m one of the spotlight bloggers! I posted a super simple to follow Infant Sleep Guide that you can read here ๐Ÿ™‚  Carrie at Wiley Adventures is also the spotlight blogger today and she’s…

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