Carter’s 1 Year Pics

I’m super thankful that Casey lets me take pics of my sweet nephew! Pictures are SO important to me and I know she and Jordan will always be thankful to have pictures of Carter as…

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Last Day of School

The last day of school was special for two reasons: it was Britt’s first ever last day of school and it was Kye’s last day ever at preschool. It was also their last day together attending the…

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Show and Tell Tues: Beauty Routine

Today I’m linking up with Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday! I’m sharing about my beauty routine ๐Ÿ™‚ Growing up I never had any interest in makeup or doing hair or anything like that. I…

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All About Me – Britt Age 3

So I’ll be honest. The only reason we got Kye’s fall picture is because we HAD TO get Britt’s. I mean look at that beautiful smile!!! I LOVE this! Her spring picture also ended up…

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All About Me – Kye Age 6

I’m not one who usually buys school pictures of my kids. I take a ton of pictures and we get a ton of professional photos done so I just don’t see the need. However, this…

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