Kye’s K5 Graduation Ceremony

Last year we attended a little graduation type ceremony for Kye when he completed k4. His school has the ceremony for both K4 and K5 since so many kids go on to kindergarten other places.…

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Light and Momentary

One year ago today I shared Ashleigh’s story. At that time she was 35 weeks pregnant with her second child, while I was right about the same with Tess. While I was sitting there feeling…

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Mother’s Day 2015

This year was the BEST Mother’s Day yet! It was such a great weekend and I truly felt so loved, appreciated, and spoiled! We make Mother’s Day and Father’s Day a pretty big deal around…

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Tess 9 Month Well Visit

Tess had her 9 month well visit on May 5th. So she was just 6 days past turning 9 months old. I’ve become quite the pro at these visits ๐Ÿ˜‰ I schedule them for as…

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Every year Jordan’s family plays in a golf tournament. This year he asked Zach to play with them. It’s in Atlanta and it’s over an entire weekend. When we first discussed it we planned to…

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