Summer Schedules

Today is Pinterest day with the Babywise Friendly Blog Network! We’ve added quite a few new members to the group so it’ll be fun to have a lot of new pins on the group boards…be…

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Tess 9 Month Pictures

Tess’s 9 month pics kinda snuck up on me! She has changed SO MUCH since her 6 month pics. I know people think we’re crazy for getting professional photos taken so often, but I’m thankful…

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Embracing The Hair I Have

I’ve always really, really loved clothes and accessories. But shoes? Makeup? Hair? No thanks. I’ve just never been very into any of those things. When it came to my hair I’ve always felt pretty clueless.…

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Tess is 9 Months Old!

Tess turned 9 months old on the non-exsisting April 31st. This was THE toughest month to get pics of her. She was cutting a tooth so her hands were in her mouth a lot. Plus…

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Tess Summary of Month 9

This post covers Tess’s 9th month of life, from March 31st through April 30th! She was 8 months old during this time. Nursing: Out of all three of my babies, Tess enjoys nursing the most. She…

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