Britt Monthly Summary: April

This is Britt’s summary from April! This month, as I mentioned in Kye’s post, we started having the dogs stay outside during the day. It worked out where the kids also wanted to sleep with…

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Kye Monthly Summary: April

This is Kye’s monthly summary from April 🙂 This month Kye had his very last chapel at school. He’s gone to the same school since he was 2 ½ years old and every Wednesday morning…

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Operation Me Time

Something I’ve really noticed about myself since having my third child is that I have a stronger need for time to myself. I need a break from my every day routine and a break from…

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BFBN Day: 5 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Become World-Changers

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day! We recently added several new members to the group and actually doubled in size. I’m super excited to get to know all of these new friends and think…

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Foot {Best News Yet} Update!

When I last wrote about my foot issues it was not a very positive post. If you’re a new reader and have the desire to catch up to speed on my long, long foot saga…

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