Calling Fellow Babywise Mamas!

Do you consider yourself a “Babywise Mom”? Do you have a blog? Then we are looking for you! The past few years I’ve been a member of the Babywise Friendly Blog Network. It has been…

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Kye Monthly Summary: March

This is Kye’s summary from the month of March! March is Kye’s favorite month because it’s his birth month! He had a blast at his birthday party and enjoyed getting to celebrate with his friends…

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Tess’s 1st Zoo Visit

Going and doing things with a baby is a lot trickier than it is when kids are older. When Kye was our only child, though, we did a good bit with him as an infant.…

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Cocoa Beach Spring Break Day 2

Our second day of the trip we headed to Bagel World first thing in order to make sure we could get our hands on some bagels!  Tess’s rash was less noticeable on her body but…

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Cocoa Beach Spring Break Day 1

For Christmas I got Zach surf lessons down in Cocoa Beach! He loved surfing so much in Hawaii that I thought he’d enjoy getting a chance to fine tune his natural skills ๐Ÿ™‚  We decided…

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