Pre~Easter Fun

When it comes to holidays, I think Christmas and Easter have a monopoly on activities. It seems like we are always SO busy with pre-Christmas and pre-Easter stuff! I feel like every year we end…

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Ridemakerz: Avengers!

We LOVE Ridemakerz! I was so honored when the company contacted me last year and sent us some ridez to build and enjoy. The kids really love them and the experience of assembling them was…

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Accepting and Loving Your Post-Baby Body

I recently wrote a post about my personal journey to getting back my body after having my third baby (you can read it here). It was a difficult post for me to write but since…

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A Day In The Life: March 2015

I’ve seen several other bloggers over the years do a “day in the life” type post. I’ve never done one before but thought that now would be a good time to start! I know my…

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Britt’s Swim 2015

Every year since Kye took his survival swim course at Tiny Bubbles I’ve been a HUGE believer in their program and in swim education for our children.  Britt also did survival swim and Tess will…

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