Muffins with Mom Day: Britt

Kye and Britt had Dad’s Day on the same day this year at school which made it tricky for Zach as he tried to spend time with each child in their classrooms. I was so…

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Kye’s 6th Birthday Letter: From Daddy

Kye,        I am so proud of the little man you have become over the past year. You have matured so much.  I love our nightly ritual of throwing the football before bedtime.…

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6th Birthday Letter to Kye: From Mommy

Dear Kye, I find myself spending more and more days trying to remember you as a baby. As I hold your baby sister I struggle to find the memories of you being in diapers. Our…

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Kye’s 6th Birthday Party!

Kye party was on March 7th at 3:30 in the afternoon. I did a morning party for Britt (11:30) and liked it but had a LOT of fun activities planned and wanted to do an…

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Kye’s 6th Birthday

On March 4th my sweet baby boy turned 6!  It was a school day so his actual birthday was filled with pretty much normal daily activities. I try to keep my birthday traditions with each…

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