Tess is 7 Months Old!

Tess turned 7 months old on Feb 31st…which I guess would be Feb 28th or March 3rd depending on how you do it? Using What to Expect the First Year here is where Tess is in…

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Further Safety Measures on Social Media

When it comes to social media, ignorance is bliss. I like assuming that everyone who reads the blog or follows me on Instagram is someone like me. A mom or a soon-to-be-mom or just someone…

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Tess Summary of Month 7

Tess turned 6 months old on January 31st. This post covers her 7th month of life which was from Jan 31st – Feb 28th.  Nursing: I had a good bit of nipple pain this month. Just…

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Britt Monthly Summary: February

Britt is really embracing being 3 and already talks about how she’s “almost 4.” She is a girl who is in a rush to grow up and I wish she’d SLOW DOWN!!! I feel like…

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How Babywise Changed with Two Children

Claire from My Devising is the guest blogger today and she’s writing about how Babywise changed with two children. I’m featured over at Chronicles of a Babywise Mom and my post is about accepting and…

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