Family Time With the Bacons

I am so, so thankful I got pregnant with Tess when I did. Being pregnant with Casey was SO fun and having our babies so close together has been great! I also think it’s great…

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Taking Care of ME

So often we think about how to best care for our children and we are quick to neglect taking care of ourselves! Here are some simple steps I take to help be the best ME…

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Valentine’s Day 2015

Valentine’s Day this year fell on a Saturday and was the same time the kids had a couple days off from school (I think they call it “Winter Break?”). If I’d realized all of this…

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What is My Baby’s Temperament?

What is My Baby’s Temperament? Getting to know your baby is part of the joys of becoming a mother. Every child is unique and is born with their own individual personality and temperament. Figuring out…

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Father Daughter(s) Night

Our town does a Father Daughter Dance every year around Valentine’s Day. When I first heard about this I was hardcore about Zach taking Britt and future daughters. Growing up my dad traveled a lot for…

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