How I’d Spend an Extra $100!

One of our BIG goals is to “spend smart.” Something I’m wanting to do this year is really look closely at our spending. Little things add up. $10 hear or even $5 there over the…

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Tess’s 6th Month Photos

Just like I was in denial that Tess was old enough to start eating solids…I also couldn’t believe it was already time for her 6 month photos! I feel like we just took her 3 months…

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Tess’s First Month of Solids

Just as I did for Britt I thought I’d combine all of Tess’s first month of solid foods into one post 🙂 It’s long. And it’s MEGA picture heavy but it’s useful if you’re beginning with…

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Best Baby Led Weaning High Chair

Best Baby Led Weaning High Chair. Having a baby for the first time is pretty overwhelming. There are SO many “must have” items and it’s hard to know what to register for or buy. When…

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Making the Big School Decision

Whew. I have had this decision on my heart and my mind for so long. Sure, as a parent I’ve had to make many decisions for my children already…but deciding where Kye will go to school…

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