Tess’s 6 Month Well Visit

Having one child makes scheduling things pretty easy…but now that we have three? It’s much more difficult to schedule everything and not have stuff overlap. I’ve really had to accept that this is going to…

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BFBN: How Your Child’s Temperament Influences the Sleep Training Process

It’s the final day of Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! I don’t know about all of you, but I’ve personally really enjoyed the topic of personalities! To end the week we’re having a special guest…

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Tess is 6 Months Old

Tess turned 6 months old on January 31st. I’m in TOTAL denial about this!!! According to What to Expect the First Year here is where Tess is at with her development and milestones (side note: ohmygoodness we…

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BFBN: Highlighting and Challenging Our Kids’ Personalities

Continuing with the theme of personalities for this week today’s spotlight blogger is Claire from My Devising.  I feel like I could have written this post myself! Just like Claire and her son are similar, so…

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Tess Summary of Month 6

Tess turned 5 months old on Dec 31st so her 6th month of life was from December 31st – January 30th.  Nursing:  Nursing is going so well. I wish all moms who struggle in the…

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