BFBN: Being in Tune with Personality Types Within the Family

Today continues Babywise Friendly Blog Network week with our topic of personalities. Elaine, from Faithfully Infertile, is blogging about the importance of being in tune to personality types within the family dynamic. Her post really…

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BFBN: Consistently Parenting Your Different Children

This week is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! We are each writing a post about personalities. Today Valerie, from Chronicles of a Babywise Mom, is the spotlight blogger. Her post is about consistently parenting your…

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Mint Brownie Shakes!!!

I don’t do a whole lot of posts on the blog that are just about Advocare, but today calls for one!  We LOVE Advocare and use products daily in our home. I place a big order…

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Britt Monthly Summary: January

This is a summary of Britt’s month of January 2015! Curlers: Britt loves accessorizing and is SUCH a girly girl. I was thrilled to find the old school soft sponge curlers! I knew she’d love them…

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Kye Monthly Summary: January

This is a summary of Kye’s month from January 2015! Errands: Now that I have three kids…errands have become “special treats.” Take a kid with you to get something done and it kills two birds: you…

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