Britt School Work ~ Fall 2014

Britt started school in August. She attends a 3 day a week, half-day program. Her class is for 2.5 year old kids so next year she will be in a 3 year old class. She…

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Kye School Work ~ Fall 2014

Kye started kindergarten in August of 2014. We decided to keep him in a half day program this year. He goes to school every day but is done with school at noon rather than at…

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Kye Monthly Summary December

During December we were go, go, go (isn’t everyone during the holidays?) so there isn’t as much to cover in the big kids monthly posts! Here is Kye’s: Christmas: I think Kye’s favorite thing about the…

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Tess Summary of Month 5

Tess’s 5th month of life was from November 30 – December 30th. During this month she was 4 months old. Nursing: This month we really got in a good groove with bottle feeding. Tess started doing…

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Siblings Age Differences

The advantages and disadvantages of sibling age differences. By: Elaine from Faithfully Infertile The age difference between children brings different dynamics to the family. I have three children. Little Bug and Sweet Pea are just…

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