Christmas Break 2014

We LOVE travel. I love to go – go – go and usually the weeks leading up to Christmas are extremely busy. Including this year! I really love that after Christmas we just CHILL. We spend…

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Christmas 2014

I always get up mega early on Christmas morning so I can get ready for the day before all the babies get going! The big kids were up pretty early but we wanted to let…

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Christmas Eve 2014

First thing when we got up on Christmas Eve we got everything loaded in the cars (we had to take both of our vehicles to fit it all!) then headed over to Mrs. Charlotte’s house.…

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Our Christmas and a New Tradition

Zach and I love going away together around Christmas time and exchanging gifts just the two of us. The more children we have, the more I’m thankful for this tradition. Holidays are CRAZY and it’s…

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Simple Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Simple Elf on the Shelf Ideas (2014) It’s funny to me how quickly things change. Last year my newsfeed on Facebook was flooded with people posting pics of all the crazy things their Elf on…

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