Britt’s 3rd Birthday Letter From Mommy

Dear Sweet Britt Britt, While I can’t believe how fast this time has gone, I also can’t believe that you are only three. You have always looked and talked and seemed so much older and I…

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Britt’s 3rd Birthday

Britt turned 3 years old on December 6th! I love waking my kids up on their birthdays by singing to them ๐Ÿ™‚ Here’s a video of us singing to Britt. She has grown up SO…

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Britt’s 3rd Birthday Party!

You can see all the decor and planning that went into Britt’s 3rd Birthday Party here ๐Ÿ™‚ One thing I really struggled with was what to have Britt wear for the party. I looked and…

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Epcot Day Together

This is going to be a reeeeeallly long post because we had a realllllly full, fun, amazing day! If you divided up our little getaway into thirds I’d say my favorite part was this day,…

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Adult Only Disney Night!

Zach and I haven’t been to Disney World as a couple together since prior to taking Kye for his first visit. I was really excited to experience the parks with just Zach and was interested…

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