Guidelines for Sleep Training and Cry It Out

Guidelines for Sleep Training and Cry It Out Today Valerie is guest blogging and is talking about sleep training. Whew. I’ve been through a LOT of bumps in the road with Tess’s sleep training (in…

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Bday Disney Trip: Wilderness Lodge

My gift for my 30th birthday was a trip to DISNEY! I’m not gonna deny it…I was really, really hoping that turning 30 would somehow involve Disney. When you’re turning such a “milestone” age you want…

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Tess is 4 Months Old!

Tess turned 4 months old on November 31st (if one existed!). I use What to Expect the First Year to compare my babies’ milestones and where they are in their development! At four months old…

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Tess Summary of Month 4

Are you sitting there thinking to yourself “man, I sure would LOVE a mega long, overly detailed, picture filled blog post to read right now!” If the answer is yes, then this post is for…

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Britt Monthly Summary ~ November

November was Britt’s last month being 2! Here’s everything she was up to ๐Ÿ™‚ Games: Kye has been playing board games since around the time Britt was born. Britt just LOVES sleep. We could tell around…

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