Kye Monthly Summary ~ November

All about my big boy from the month of November! Swing: I have NO CLUE what the “normal” age to learn to swing on your own is, but I feel like Kye is delayed in that…

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Tess’s RSV :(

I have never, ever experienced a sick baby. I have always counted my blessings when it comes to my kids and their health. Britt legit just got sick for the first time of her entire…

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Thanksgiving 2014

Now that Kye is in kindergarten, he looks more forward to breaks from school! This year he and Britt had off the entire week of Thanksgiving. I LOVED having them home and it worked out…

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Lessons from Pain: 10 Life Lessons Learned Through Personal Trials

We all have our own crosses to bear in life. We will face struggles and hardships and I try to find God’s goodness in all of those type situations. What lessons can be learned? How…

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School Thanksgiving Feast

Every year at the kid’s preschool they have a BIG Thanksgiving Feast. The school doesn’t go big on Christmas or any other holiday, but Thanksgiving is the one they go all out on. I know…

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