Christmas Card Roll Call 2014

So this year I ordered our Christmas cards super early but didn’t address them until we were on our ski trip, the week before Christmas. And I totally didn’t realize until it was too late that…

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Follow Along!

Chilly weather mixed with lazy holiday days often means extra time on social networks…be sure to check in with me on all of mine! I am the most active with the blog Facebook page as…

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Southern Snow

I love the location of our neighborhood. It’s a perfect blend of feeling like you’re in the country but still being close to the important things like gas stations and walmart ๐Ÿ˜‰ I grew up…

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Carter’s 6 Month Pictures

It is still so crazy for me to believe that Carter is six months old. I always think back to Casey and I being in Memphis together and us talking about getting pregnant. Now both…

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Together Time is My Favorite Time

As my recent posts have reflected: last October/early November was a hard time for me personally. It was crummy timing to be so down since it was during my 30th birthday! I’m so, so thankful…

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