Tess 3 Month ~ Britt 3 Year Photos {Kids}

It’s worked out where our kids ages are pretty close to perfectly timed for family photos ๐Ÿ˜‰ Britt’s 3 month pics were the same time that we needed to do Kye’s 3 year pics (remember?)…

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Visit to Raisin’ Cane

The second weekend in November was our last weekend of the ENTIRE year that we didn’t have plans. Isn’t that crazy?!?! I have really been wanting to go visit Raisin’ Cane and it was our only…

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Week 14 Summary

This is the LAST weekly summary for Tess! I bought a little journal before she was born and used it for taking notes and by week 14 that junk was filled. I stopped earlier with…

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My 30th Birthday!

Whenever I have thought about turning 30 I’ve always kinda silently freaked out. 30. I mean it’s HUGE, right?!?! And as a kid I would cry about turing 10. I’ve just always hated getting older.…

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Preparing Children for New Baby

As a parent a big reason many of us choose to have multiple children is because we want our children to have the bond that siblings create. However, once we actually become pregnant with that…

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