So This is 30

I’m sure most of you are like I am and tend to have social circles filled with people who are pretty much around the same age you are. My real life friends, my face book…

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Britt Monthly Summary: October

This is all about Britt from October! Community Helper Day: I was fortunate enough to spend a special day at school with each child this month. Kye had a field trip at the post office and…

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Kye Monthly Summary October

Here is everything going on with Kye in October! Field Trip: This month I joined Kye and his class on a field trip to our local post office. His teacher had each student write a letter…

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BFBN: Formula and Breastfeeding

I pride myself on being a very open and honest blogger. I try very hard to always be real and raw and truthful in all I write, especially about my own personal experiences. Claire is the…

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Pumping, Storing and Using Breast Milk

This week is Babywise Friendly Blog Network week and we are all discussing the topic of feeding our children. When I was pregnant with my first baby I wasn’t sure how passionately I’d feel about…

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