Tess is 3 Months Old!

Tess turned 3 months old on October 31st! As usual I’m using What to Expect the First Year  to compare where Tess is in her development with the “norm” for her age! I had to…

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BFBN Week: Parent Directed Feedings

Today Elaine from God’s Faithfulness Through Infertility is our spotlight blogger! She’s talking about parent directed feeding and how it has worked for her when feeding her drug exposed infants.  Elaine is such an inspiration…

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Halloween 2014

Last year Casey and Jordan hosted the first annual Halloween party at their house! It was also when they announced their pregnancy with Carter ๐Ÿ™‚ SO crazy how much changes in one year! Now he’s…

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BFBN Week: 10 Mealtime Policies

This week is Babywise Friendly Blog Network week! We are all writing on the topic of “feeding our children.” Today Valerie from Chronicles of a Babywise Mom is writing about 10 Mealtime Policies for Children.…

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Britt’s 3rd Birthday Slideshow!

Tomorrow Britt turns 3! It’s crazy hard for me to believe that it’s already been three years. I feel like I was just pregnant with her and writing blog posts about “Blitzen!” Each birthday for…

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