Tess’s 2 Month Well Visit

Tess had her two month well visit on October 2nd. I’m trying to keep her visits as “on track” as possible! I know once you get off track with them then you stay that way…

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Kye Monthly Summary: September

Here is everything Kye was up to in September! Crazy Hat Party: For Casey’s birthday we hosted the 2nd annual Crazy Hat Party. The kids were SO PUMPED about their hats! The day ended up being…

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Little Entrepreneur

Afternoons in our house are usually pretty relaxing. Both big kids go down for naps at 1. Kye has a lamp in his room on a timer and the light turns on at 2:45 letting…

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Tess is 2 Months Old!

Tess turned 2 months old on September 31st. Or at least she WOULD be 2 months old on Sept 31st IF September had 31 days. Of course she had to decide to come into the…

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Week Nine Summary

Tess’s 9th week of life was from Thursday September 25 – Wednesday October 1st. She was 8 weeks old during this week! Nursing: Since I weaned off the middle of the night feeding this week I…

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